Scientific Council

The Academic Council is the highest collegial management body of the University. The composition of the Academic Council is approved annually. The Chairman of the Academic Council is the Rector of Baishev University. The Deputy Chairman is the Vice-Rector for the area of ​​activity. The Chairman organizes the work of the Academic Council and ensures its activities in accordance with the order of the Acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On approval of the Model Rules for the activities of the Academic Council of a Higher Educational Institution and the procedure for its election” dated November 22, 2007, No. 574 and other new regulatory legal acts in the field of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the internal university document QMS P 01-2019 “Regulations on the Academic Council”. The Academic Council organizes its work on the basis of the approved work plan for the academic year.

Goals of the Academic Council:

  • creation of necessary conditions for students and faculty of the university for the purpose of successful implementation of professional educational programs;
  • provision of financial support, strengthening of the material and technical base of the university;
  • assistance to the further development of the university.

The activities of the Academic Council are based on the openness of collective discussion of issues within its competence.

The competence of the Academic Council includes:

  • Approval of the university structure;
  • Making amendments and additions to the University Charter;
  • Establishment, reorganization and liquidation of educational and scientific divisions of the university;
  • Defining the concept (strategy) for the development of the university;
  • Making decisions on all fundamental issues of organizing the educational and methodological, social and educational, international, scientific and innovative and economic activities of the university;
  • Hearing annual reports of the rector, vice-rectors, heads of structural divisions, reports on the forms and methods of conducting educational, scientific and research, educational, financial, economic, information and international activities, etc.;
  • Approval of curricula for all levels and forms of education;
  • Review and recommendation for publication of textbooks and teaching aids and educational and methodological developments, monographs, etc.;
  • Making decisions on the transfer of students from the fee-paying department to an educational grant and to external studies;
  • Making decisions on the appointment of a scholarship established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and personal scholarships;
  • Approval of topics and supervisors of master’s degree students for dissertations (projects), students for diploma theses (projects);
  • Organization of control over the financial and economic activities of the university;
  • Determination of the procedure for using extra-budgetary funds, as well as areas for reinvesting income received by the university through the provision of paid educational services and the sale of manufactured products;
  • Approval and awarding of honorary titles, personal scholarships and prizes;
  • Consideration of issues on the nomination of university employees, creative teams for government awards and honorary titles;
  • Considers issues on the nomination of university scientists for the assignment of academic titles;
  • Consideration of other issues of the current activities of the university that require a collegial decision.

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