Volunteer Club

Volunteer Club

The Volunteer Club is a public organization of students and was created based on the common interests of students by involving them in volunteer activities.

The purpose of the volunteer club is to form students’ orientation towards positive values, through involvement in work to help those in need, prevent addictions, and assist in the spiritual development and self-realization of students.

The volunteer club sets itself the following tasks:

  • increasing the civic and social activity of students;
  • creating conditions for the formation of positive value orientations among students, including the formation of a healthy lifestyle;
  • promotion of creative and social self-realization of young people;
  • the inclusion of students in real socially useful activities.

The main activities of the volunteer club are:

  • preventive work aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle;
  • participation in charity events (providing all possible assistance to people with disabilities, low-income, elderly citizens, refugees, etc.);
  • intellectual and creative development of students (organization and holding of intellectual creative events, contests, holidays);
  • cooperation with state and public institutions on the implementation of targeted programs for the population;
  • other areas of activity that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.