Academic Quality Council

The internal quality assurance system ensures the development of the University in accordance with the Mission-Vision-Strategy, Quality Goals, Quality Policy of the University, with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education and science, European standards for quality assurance in higher education (ESG), ST RK ISO 9001-2016 “Quality Management Systems. Requirements”, Standards of institutional and specialized accreditation of higher educational institutions implementing higher and postgraduate education programs, recommendations of stakeholders.

The Academic Quality Council is a permanent coordinating, advisory and expert body of the University, makes decisions on the content and conditions for the implementation of educational programs, on assessment policies and other academic issues, organizing a survey of students on the compliance of the quality of educational programs and (or) disciplines / modules, on the presence of facts of violation of academic integrity, etc.

The Academic Quality Council at the Higher School of Social and Technical Sciences includes training areas:

  • 6B041 Business and Management
  • 6B021 Arts
  • 6B061 Information and Communication Technologies
  • 6B071 Engineering and Engineering
  • 6B072 Manufacturing and Processing Industries
  • 6B073 Architecture and Construction
  • 6B113 Transport Services
  • 7M041 Business and Management

Chairman of the Council for Academic Quality – Kaiyrgalieva Mayra Gainollaevna, candidate of economic sciences

The Council for Academic Quality at the Higher School of Natural Sciences and Humanities includes training areas:

  • 6B011 Pedagogy and Psychology
  • 6B012 Pedagogy of Preschool Education and Training
  • 6B013 Training of Teachers without Subject Specialization
  • 6B014 Training of Teachers with Subject Specialization of General Development
  • 6B017 Training of Teachers in Languages ​​and Literature
  • 6B023 Languages ​​and Literature
  • 6B042 Law
  • 6B081 Agronomy
  • 6B091 Veterinary Science
  • 6B052 Environment
  • 7M017 Training of Teachers in Languages ​​and Literature

Chairman of the Council for Academic Quality – Saytbekov Nurbol Doktarbaevich, PhD

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