“Integration of Mentoring into the System of Training Beginning Researchers of Higher Education”

Results of the Forum “Integration of Mentoring into the System of Training Beginning Researchers of Higher Education” work, that was dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the Academician Saktagan Baishev birth

(October 1-2, 2024)

The Forum with international participation “Integration of mentoring into the training system of the higher education researchers-beginners” was held On October 1-2, 2024 and was dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the Academician Saktagan Baishev birth.

Within the Forum framework, invited research scientists took part in the Plenary Session and Round Table and shared their experience in training scientific personnel both abroad and in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Olga Toykina, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Language and Literature Institute of the Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russian Federation, gave a welcoming speech.

At the Forummuch attention was paid to elucidating the results of the Scientific Project “Development of the scientific potential of young scientists of regional universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan: a mentoring model” (2022-2024) implementation.

Young scientists participating in this project experimental group were awarded Certificates of the three-year mentoring program successful completion (144 hours).

Members of the project research group (Zh. Maidangalieva, G. Kuzembaeva, B. Tashmukhambetov) were awarded Letters of Gratitude from S. Akhanov, the Baishev University President, for the high level of the scientific project implementation and their professionalism as well.

All the event participants were given Certificates of Participation.

       The event was attended by media reps who have covered as the Forum as the Round Table work: https://site.bu.edu.kz/ru/akademik-s-b%d3%99jishevti%d2%a3-tu%d2%93anyna-115-zhyl/

The event’s video recording is posted on the Baishev University Youtube channel:

https://youtu.be/LSVgfmczNCk (link to the Plenary session on 10/01/2024)  as well as:

https://youtu.be/s89kZfkx6oY ; https://youtu.be/A8yjWei6D_U (links to the Round Table on 10/02/2024).

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