Author: admin
Master class “Modern educational materials at the university”
On October 3, 2024, a master class with the participation of the teaching staff was held at Baishev University, dedicated to the use of modern educational materials at the university. Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the University Aipeisova Saira Apraimovna discussed with the participants the possibility of using modern educational materials during classes at the…
“The role of play in the education and upbringing of children”
On November 20, 2024, a seminar on the topic “The role of play in the education and upbringing of children” was held at Baishev University, organized by the Higher School of Natural Sciences and Humanities and 6b01211 Preschool education and upbringing; 6b01311 Pedagogy and methods of primary education; 6b01111 Pedagogy and Psychology. The seminar was…
Relay race was organized among the faculty
On the occasion of International Students’ Day, a relay race was organized among the faculty and staff of Baishev University. The winning teams were awarded cash prizes.
“Measures for the prevention of meningococcal infection”
On November 18 of this year, a meeting was held at Baishev University with the chief specialist of the Aktobe city Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Mukhanbetova Ayaulym and Egizbayeva Kuttygul on the topic “Measures for the prevention of meningococcal infection” and measures to protect against it. During the gathering, Gulzhanat Myrzagalevna, a university…
Meeting with the naib imam of the Aktobe regional central mosque “Nur-Gasyr” Smagulov Nurbol Berikboluly
On November 19 of this year, the Department of Socio-Cultural Development of Baishev University organized a meeting with the naib imam of the Aktobe regional central mosque “Nur-Gasyr” Smagulov Nurbol Berikboluly. During the meeting, Nurbol Berikboluly expressed warm greetings to young people who, in addition to their educational activities, actively participate in community service and…
Rinat Balgabayev’s video “Zakladka”
On November 19, 2024, in accordance with the instructions of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Department of Social and Cultural Development of the University organized a screening of Rinat Balgabayev’s video “Bookmark”. The main goal of the event was to prevent crime among young people and draw attention to the…
Дуальное обучение
В рамках дуального обучения практические занятия ОП «Строительство» на базе ПК «Нектар» по дисциплине « Архитектура и строительные конструкции 1» 2 курс. Наставник: Давлешеридзе И.В.- гл.инженер ПК «Нектар»
“San qyrly ghylym”
Aktobe Regional Universal Scientific Library after S. Baishev from March,1 to October,20 this year held a Republican competition for the best scientific project “San kyrly galym”, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of public figure, scientist, Doctor of Economics, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Honored Scientist of Kazakhstan Saktagan…
«Halyk Kazyna»
The international primary organization “Society of the Kazakh Language” in the joint-stock company “CNPC-Aktobemunaygas” together with the Department for the Development of languages of the Aktobe region held a competition “Halyk Kazyna”. The competition was attended by students of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov, WKSU named after M. Ospanov, Military Institute of Administrative…