Distance Learning

Distance learning is the interaction of participants in the educational process at a distance, including the use of information and communication technologies and telecommunications

DO is provided to the following categories of students:

  • students who have a conclusion from a medical advisory commission on their state of health;
  • participants in international, republican training camps, sports competitions, intellectual and creative competitions and festivals for the period of participation;
  • students in higher and (or) postgraduate education organizations (hereinafter referred to as OHPE) no more than the volume established by these Rules for a specific list of areas of personnel training.

DO are carried out in the following types:

  • network technologies – autonomous network courses using the Internet;
  • case technologies based on the compilation of sets (cases) of multimedia educational and methodological materials on paper, electronic and other media and their distribution to students for independent learning.

According to the method of organizing educational activities, the following modes are used:

  • On-line — means of communication, messages in the network information space, providing synchronous exchange of information in real time, work of the student on educational materials of distance courses with subsequent passing of the midterm and/or final control (assumes the availability of the Internet).
  • Off-line — means of communication, messages in the information space, in which communication between the teacher and the student is broken in time (asynchronously), work of the student with a case and a textbook on the assignment of the teacher with subsequent passing of the midterm and/or final control (does not assume the availability of the Internet).

Main characteristics of DO

1. Education system

  • Credit

2. Technologies

  • Network, training is conducted using the AIS PLATONUS, on the basis of which distance courses are created. The portal of the DO university is available at any time of the day. Feedback with the teacher is carried out through the communication services of the distance course.
  • Case, educational materials are uploaded to the student’s personal account, feedback with the teacher is carried out through chats in the AIS PLATONUS, corporate mail, messengers

3. Access to educational materials

During the entire semester, access to the electronic library is provided via the University website and AIS Platonus

4. Basic schedule of the educational process

The academic year consists of 2 semesters (fall and spring), Semester = 15 academic weeks (studying at the university/outside the university using the educational materials of the distance learning portal DO)

2 academic semesters

15 academic weeks

2 midterm assessments and an exam during the session

  1. Passing the midterm assessment

Weeks 8 and 15 (in AIS Platonus)

Weeks 1-15 the student uploads the completed work to the teacher for each discipline using feedback (in AIS Platonus)

Weeks 8, 15 – the student completes test assignments (on subjects taught in the semester uploaded to AIS Platonus (midterm assessment)

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