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Dormitory internal rules meeting

On October 8 of this year at 21:00 in the dormitory of Baishev University, vice-rector for social and cultural development Sh.M. Buharbayev and director of the department of social and cultural development S.T. Zhalmagonbetova, chairman of the committee on youth affairs N.M. Altayev, dormitory educator A. O. Erzhanova and the chairwoman of the student council of the dormitory G. Shotykbaeva held a meeting with students living in the dormitory. During the meeting, the rules of internal order of the dormitory, the participation of students in cultural and public events were discussed. At the meeting, the vice-rector of social and cultural development of our university, Sh.M. Buharbaev, introduced the students to the rules of internal discipline. At the same time, dormitory educator Erzhanova Akmaral Ordabayevna expressed her opinion about the behavior of students. At the end of the meeting, students asked their questions and received satisfactory answers to their questions.

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