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“Integrated education system” cooperation project

According to the plan of the “Integrated education system” cooperation project, today in the conference hall of the college, Mrs. Bopai, who left an unforgettable mark in the history of the nation, was involved in the country’s administration and was an expert politician, and public figure, doctor of economic sciences, to the Baishev school-lyceum team and 5-6 grade students. , professor, academician of the Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences S. Baishev’s biography and role in science was presented.

Speakers of the event, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, vice-rector of Baishev University, Buharbaev Shynybek Musinovich, gave valuable information about the biography and role of academician S.Baishev in science, Shahabaeva Zhanara Bolatovna, history teacher of Mrs. Bopai Higher Medical College, told about the historical personality of Mrs. Bopai.

If we say that “a generation grows up with historical knowledge, national consciousness is formed”, at today’s event, the moral ways of our historical figures were widely promoted to the younger generation, and their names were honored.

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