International Projects and Programs

Global UGRAD (International Undergraduate Exchange Program) is a program of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs for full-time first-, second-, and third-year students of higher education institutions in Kazakhstan, provided that upon completion of the Global UGRAD program, students have at least one semester of study left to obtain a higher education diploma. The program is open to students of all Kazakhstani universities and all majors. All participants are selected on the basis of an open competition.

The Bolashak International Scholarship was established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev on November 5, 1993.

The goal of the program is to train personnel and specialists for priority sectors of the country’s economy. The program includes both academic training (Master’s degree, PhD) and scientific and industrial internships in leading companies and universities around the world.

Konrad Adenauer Foundation Scholarship in Kazakhstan.

With the Sur Place scholarships, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation supports talented youth in their home country, thus providing young people with the opportunity to devote themselves to their studies and to participation in political and social life.

Educational language center “Otyrar Education”

On September 26, 2019, a meeting with representatives of the language center Otyrar Education was held in the White Hall of the university. Representatives of the Center spoke about the possibilities of learning the Korean language, Korean culture, as well as academic mobility programs.

After the meeting, students could sign up for free Korean language courses, which will be held at the university.

American English is a resource center for teaching and learning English and American culture. This website provides a variety of materials and resources for the professional development of teachers and learners. Both teachers and students will find new ways to practice English and learn more about the United States.

The Washington, D.C.-based English Language Program Office provides academic expertise, advisory, and consulting assistance. All programs are delivered by Regional English Language Officers (RELOs) at U.S. embassies or consulates. Programs and resources offered at the office include materials, distance learning programs, and teacher training workshops.

International Erasmus+ Programme:

Erasmus+ is a European Union programme to promote the modernisation and sustainable development of education, vocational training, youth policy and sport. It provides financial opportunities for cooperation in all these areas, both between European countries (the so-called Programme Countries) and between European countries and partner countries around the world.

ENACTUS is a global organization of students, business leaders, and universities committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and make the world a better, more sustainable place. Guided by mentors and business experts, student participants form teams at their institutions to design and implement projects that improve the quality and standard of living for people. Not only do these experiences change lives, they help students develop the talent and vision needed to become effective, values-driven leaders.

BRITISH COUNCIL is an international organization of the United Kingdom in the field of cultural relations and education.

On November 21, 2017, an Agreement on joint activities was signed between the British Council and Baishev University, within the framework of which 4 projects have been and are being implemented, under the leadership of the coordinator from the university, PhD B.Kh. Kusanova:

“Researcher connect”. Organization and assistance in conducting training for researchers working in Aktobe and Western Kazakhstan.

The British Council’s Higher Education for Employability Programme

On February 25-26, 2020, in Nur-Sultan, as part of the British Council’s Higher Education for Employability programme, a training seminar on “Equal Employment Opportunities for Graduates in the Labour Market” was held for representatives of higher education institutions. The training seminar was attended by Vice-Rector for International Cooperation and Academic Mobility, Ph.D. O.I. Lygina, Professor, Doctor of Philological Sciences B.Kh. The training seminar was conducted by Maureen Tibby, member of the Advance HE Employability Expert Group. Based on the results of the training seminars, participants have the opportunity to create interuniversity teams and develop projects. The two best projects of the seminar participants will receive grants in the amount of 7,500 pounds sterling.

“Creative Spark: A Higher Education Institutions Programme to Develop Entrepreneurship”

Creative Spark is a five-year initiative to support international universities and create international partnerships to develop entrepreneurial skills and the creative economy in seven countries, including Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan), the South Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia) and Ukraine, with support from the United Kingdom.

The Senior Expert Service is a foundation of the German economy for international cooperation that sends retired or career-improved experts and executives to projects in other countries on a voluntary basis.

Central Asia University Partnerships Program (UniCEN). Project SCILLA (STEM Content Integrated with Language-Learning Activities). Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Literature, Doctor of Philosophy Bibigul Kusanova and Head of the Department of International Relations and Academic Mobility, Master of Science in Economics Zhanat Erniyazova are participating in the eight-month international SCILLA project, supported by a grant from the Central Asian University Partnerships Program. The project runs from May 1 to December 31, 2020.

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