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“Practical training in civil cases”

07.11.2024 in the office of the member of the Notary Chamber of the Aktobe region Demzhanova Sholpan Kasymkhanovna at the address: Aktobe, ul. 101 rifle brigade for the purpose of dual training together with the professor of the Higher School of Natural Sciences and Humanities Baishev University, PhD in Law. Telibekova I.M., using the “Case Study” method, conducted a practical lesson explaining the issue of using contracts as written evidence in simplified proceedings on topic No. 7 “Simplified proceedings” in the discipline “Practical training in civil cases” for 4th-year students of the specialty “Jurisprudence” of Baishev University, where Demzhanova Sh.K., having highlighted the role of a notary in certifying contracts used as evidence in court, having discussed cases from law enforcement practice on the use of civil contracts in civil proceedings, answered questions from students.

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