National Qualification Testing

National qualification testing is a procedure carried out to determine the level of professional competence of a teacher using tests developed by the authorized body in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Information on professional certification (NKT) in the field of education “Pedagogical Sciences” of graduates of Baishev University for the 2022-2023 academic year

Bachelor’s degree

Наименование ОПКоличество выпускниковКоличество выпускников, имеющих сертификаты НКТКоличество выпускников,освобожденные от НКТ
16В01311- «Педагогика и методика начального обучения»11694 (81%)6 (5,2%)
26В01211- «Дошкольное обучение и воспитание»8342(50,6%)17(20,5%)
36В01111- «Педагогика и психология»3820 (52,6%)1(2,6%)
46В01711- «Казахский язык и литература»3419(55,9%)7(20,6%)
56В011900- «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка6830(44,1%)9(13,2%)
 Всего339205 (60,4%)41(12,1)

Master’s degree

Наименование ОПКоличество выпускниковКоличество выпускников, имеющих сертификаты НКТКоличество выпускников,освобожденные от НКТ
17M01731 Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка 2016(80%)4
27M01711 Казахский язык и литература (лингвист-исследователь) 2920(69%)4
 ИТОГО по вузу:388241 (63%)49(12,6%)

“Candidates without experience, who graduated from an organization of technical and vocational, post-secondary or higher and/or postgraduate education in pedagogical specialties, who do not have experience in teaching, are hired after successfully passing the OZP. For these candidates without experience, the qualification category “teacher-trainee” is assigned by the educational organization.

The OZP is passed by: teachers: 2 (two) times per calendar year – free of charge; teachers applying for early certification 1 (one) time during the calendar year – free of charge; trial (at the teacher’s request) – on a paid basis during the calendar year. The results of the trial/paid testing are not grounds for passing the certification; candidates without experience, who have technical and vocational, higher and/or postgraduate education, persons wishing to resume teaching activities: 2 (two) times during the calendar year – free of charge; heads of educational organizations, methodological offices (centers) 4 (four) times per calendar year – free of charge; trial (optional) – on a paid basis during the calendar year.” Chapter 4, paragraphs 87,88.

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