Publishing activity of teaching staff

Publishing activity of teaching staff

Publications in COXON journals and international peer-reviewed scientific publications, including journals with a non-zero impact factor for 2018-2022

  • Публикации в журналах КОКСОН МОН РК
  • Публикации в международных рецензируемых научных ихданиях Web of Science, Scopus
  • Монографии, патенты, авторские свидетельства
Name of the educational program Topic Scientific Group Sources of financing (external, own budget) The amount of financing, (thousand tenge) Dates and results for the 2020/2021 academic year
Department of Agriculture and Ecology
1 6B09111 — Veterinary 6B09121 — Veterinary medicine Biological features of young Kazakh white-headed breed of different genotypes 0118RKI0050 Candidate of Biological Sciences Baktygalieva A.T. Own funds 1 500 20.01.2018 –20.12.2021
2 6B08111 — Agronomy 6B05211 — Ecology 6B05221 — Agroecology Biodiversity and environmental safety issues in Western Kazakhstan 0120RKI0026 Candidate of Biological Sciences Uteulieva D.T. Own funds 150 30.01.2020-30.01.2023
3 6B09111 — Veterinary 6B09121 — Veterinary medicine Veterinary and sanitary examination of slaughter products for invasive diseases. 0121RKI0147 PhD doctor Baktygalieva A.T. Own funds 150 01.04.2021-31.12.2024
4 6B05211 — Ecology 6B05221 — Agroecology Changes in the ecosystem of the Ilek River Basin as a result of anthropogenic impact. 0121RKI0151 Graduate student Kalybekova Zh.T. Own funds 150 01.04.2021-31.12.2024
5 6B08111 — Agronomy 6B08121 — Greenhouse 6B05221 — Agroecology Genetic fund of non-traditional cultivated plants in western Kazakhstan 0121RKI0149 Master Zhubanysheva A.U., Own funds 150 01.04.2021-31.12.2024
6 6B08111 – Agronomy Veterinary and sanitary examination of slaughter products for invasive diseases Baktygalieva A.T., Musabayeva A.N. Ownership. tools 150 000 01.04.2021- 31.12.2024
Department of “Geology, Oil and Gas and Mining”
6B07211 “Oil and gas business” 6B07221 “Mining”, 6B 07231 “Geology and exploration of mineral deposits” Theoretical foundations of creating methods and technologies for ensuring the environmental safety of the Technosphere at Mining Enterprises 0121RKI0152 Candidate of Technical Sciences Kazbekova G.K. Own funds 150 01.04. 2021-31.12.2024 11
Department of Design
1 6B04211 “Architectural design, 6B04212 “Fashion Design” Design project for the organization of the spatial environment of the landscape of the park square in the city 0121RKI0145 Aimaganbetov M.N. Own funds 1 850 09/01/2021-08/31/2024 2021-October 2024
Department of Accounting and Finance
1 6b04131/7M04131 “Finance” /7M04111 – 6B04121/7M04121-122 “economy”, 6B04111/7M04111-112 “state and Local Government”/”State and local administration The payment system in the context of digitalization. 0121RKI0148 Candidate of Economics Bukharbayev Sh.M. Own funds 90 01.09. 2021- 01.09. 2024
Department of Law and OOD
1 Actual problems of interaction between science and society in modern conditions 0120RKI0024 Candidate of Law: Sagieva G.K. Own funds 75 30.01.2020-30.01.2023
Department of “Kazakh language and Literature”
1 6B01711/7M01711 “Kazakh language and literature”, Linguistic and literary relations in the Turkic world 0121RKI0150 Isina J.A. 150 01.04. 2021-31.12.2024
Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
2 6B01711/7M01711 “Kazakh language and literature”, 6B01731/7M01731 “Foreign language: two foreign languages”, 6B02311 “Translation business”, 6B01721/7M01731 “Russian language literature”, National linguistic worldview and grammar of national identity 0118RKI0064 Ph.D. in Physics Aitova N.N. Their own. tools 600 2018 -20.12.2021
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
3 6B01111 “Pedagogy and psychology”, 6B01211 “Preschool and primary education”, 6B01311 “Pedagogy and methods of primary education Психологические механизмы эффективного социального взаимодействия в образовательной среде при решений проблемы буллинга 0120РКИ0025 undergraduate student Utemisova, Uralsk. Own funds 150 30.01.2020-30.01.2023гг
Department of Preschool and Primary Education
4 6B01111 “Pedagogy and psychology”, 6B01211 “Preschool and primary education”, 6B01311 “Pedagogy and methods of primary education Psychological and pedagogical support of schoolchildren with disabilities in inclusive education 0121RKI0145 Seitenova S.S. Own funds 300 т.т 30.09.2020-1.05.2023