Visit of Professor McMahon (University of Cincinnati, USA) to Baishev University

From 3 to 6 December, 2023, Russell McMahon, a professor of the School of Information Technology, the University of Cincinnati (Ohio, USA) visited Baishev University. The following events were organised during the visit:

  • lectures and seminars were held for students of the educational programs “6B06121-Information Systems”, “6B07112-Automation and control: Automation of technological processes in the oil and gas industry”, “6B07111-Automation and control: Auto matization of technological processes in transport”, “6B11311-Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport: Railway transport”, “6B11312 Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport : Automobile transport” on Cybersecurity.
  • seminars on “Future Computing, “AI in Education”, “Development of syllabuses (revision and updating)” for acadmic staff and employees of the higher school of social and technical sciences. Participants discussed issues of updating syllabuses, writing scientific articles, etc.
  • a guest lecture on Cybersecurity for students of the Zerek IT school at Baishev University.