About the university

The University was founded in 1996 as the Aktobe branch of the Kazakh State Academy of Management.

In 1997, the Aktobe branch of the Kazakh State Academy of Management was transformed into the West Kazakhstan Institute of Economics and Finance.

In 2001, the West Kazakhstan Institute of Economics and Finance was renamed Aktobe Saktagan Baishev University.

In 2012, according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on optimization of higher educational institutions and by mutual consent of universities, Aktobe Socio-Technical Institute “Dunie” was merged with the University.

Since 2019, Aktobe Saktagan Baishev University has been transformed into Baishev University (BAISHEV University) as a result of the rebranding (decision of the meeting of the Supervisory Board, Minutes No. 5, dated 12/24/2018).

Baishev University is a multidisciplinary center for personnel and scientific support of innovative development of Kazakhstan, designed to ensure that the quality of educational and scientific services meets the level of international standards, updating its activities based on integration into the world educational and scientific space. Baishev University is a multidisciplinary center for personnel and scientific support of innovative development of Kazakhstan, designed to ensure that the quality of educational and scientific services meets the level of international standards, updating its activities based on integration into the global educational and scientific space.

University Values:

  • organizational and economic sustainability, openness to change
  • high quality of educational and scientific activities
  • academic freedom and academic responsibility
  • striving for improvement and creative growth
  • patriotism, citizenship, constructive cooperation
  • respect for the personality of the employee and the student, their dignity and rights

The most important principles of the University’s activity are the fundamental nature and quality of knowledge, continuity and continuity of education and science, usefulness to society and the state, integration of the University into the Kazakh and world educational space.

New principles of University management based on strategic planning, internal quality assurance system have been formed.

The mission of the University is to train highly qualified, competitive, socially responsible personnel for the innovative development of Kazakhstan.

The mission, goals and objectives of the University correspond to the goals, objectives and priorities of the development of the Aktobe region, which is expressed: in the training of competent specialists for enterprises and organizations of the region, taking into account their industry specifics; in the formation and implementation of applied scientific research, taking into account the existing economic, technical, technological, environmental and other problems of the Aktobe region.

The vision of the University is an open innovation university based on the integration of science, education and production.

The strategic directions of the University’s development are consistent with the priorities set in the Development Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2050, the National Priorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025, the National Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025, the Concept of Development of Higher Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2029.

Baishev University shares the strategic goals and objectives of the country’s development and strives to implement them through the implementation of its own Development Program.

The University’s policy is aimed at improving the quality of educational activities; strengthening human resources, ensuring the integration of science and production, fostering a harmonious personality, developing the material and technical base, improving the structure of the University.

The University’s internal quality assurance system ensures the development in accordance with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Purpose and Quality Policy of the University and with the requirements of the criteria of the ST RK ISO 9001-2016 “Quality management systems. Requirements”, European Standards for Quality Assurance of Higher Education (ESG).

The management policy of educational activities and the effectiveness of its functioning are based on the creation of a highly effective organizational structure of the University, ensuring the unity of stable relationships between structural units.

The University has collegial and advisory bodies: supervisory Board, Academic Council, Educational and Methodological Council, Scientific and Technical Council, Ethics and Anti-Corruption Council, Council of Young Scientists, academic quality councils, scientific student community, Employers’ Council, Alumni Association, Youth Affairs Committee, etc.